In order to ensure that Government schemes and plans reach the ultimate eligible beneficiaries, to address and redress the grievances of citizens across Karnataka in respect of various aspects , the Foundation has chalked out a service-oriented platform named SEVAGRAHA under which a host of activities will be monitored.
Within the legal framework, for those genuine people who have valid records and documents, we wish to be a bridge between the Government and the beneficiary, so that their work is done perfectly on time. For many a people, documentation is a big hurdle, and they are not familiar with documentation and legal process. Many a time people are harassed by middlemen who clinch money but do not complete the work.
To begin with, we start helping people in getting, Aadhar card, ration card, health card and such other basic documents and this drive will take place at District level, at first. Then we spread this activity across Karnataka in a mass level. Also we aim to begin this service at District level revenue, municipal and such other departments for the benefit of public who approach us and gradually this activity will be integrated pan Karnataka.