In order to ensure that Government schemes and plans reach the ultimate eligible beneficiaries, to address and redress the grievances of citizens across Karnataka in respect of various aspects, we chalked out a service-oriented platform named SEVAGRAHA under which a host of activities will be monitored, within the legal framework, for those genuine people who have valid records and documents. This initiative saves time, resources in their choice their domain, offline, online etc. For the retired persons also the best practises to interact with them and our initiative of sevagraha.
Everyone will have bondage and affectionate feeling about his/her birthplace, or the village or city where he/she was brought up and nurtured. Someone will have fascinating memories about a religious place or a tourist spot where they very often visit. Such people who are in different parts of the globe crave to do something for their native village or at such other spots of keen interest, It may be providing a library for students, donating a room for the village school, providing electronic gadgets to eligible students, refurbishing a park, school premises, drinking water facility or whatsoever. We will see that dream project at the place they prefer will be materialized as they desire within the budget they provide. We a non-profit organization is there to monitor and oversee the project and see it materialized systematically.