My Place My Service
Everyone will have bondage and affectionate feeling about his/her birth place, or the village or city where he/she was brought up and nurtured. Someone will have fascinating memories about a religious place or a tourist spot where they very often visit.
Being away from such places which are close to their hearts ignites fervour in their mind and they crave to do something special to the fellow residents of such places, may it be their birth place or somewhat. Such people who are in different parts of the globe always think and crave to do something for their native village or at such other spots of keen interest, but can’t do anything being away and engaged in busy schedule of life. It may be providing a library for students, donating a room for the village school, providing electronic gadgets to eligible students, refurbishing a park, school premises, drinking water facility or whatsoever.
Vandhe Bharatham will see that your dream project at the place you prefer will be materialized as you desire within the budget you provide; Without any deviations your dream project will take a shape and making it a reality will definitely bring a sense of satisfaction in your mind. If you wish to do something special and help the needy in a remote place of your choice.
Vandhe Bharatham being a not for profit organization is there to monitor and oversee the project and see it materialized systematically. Interested and service-oriented people may please make use of this fantastic platform to ensure their dream of life fulfilled.